Digitising this afternoon

Hey everyone!

This morning my fellow Chapbookers and I met with the Library Archivist, Melissa, and she showed us how to digitise the Chapbooks. It included many specifics, from how to scan properly, to cateloging the master copies, and editing them. We are going for a look that is crisp, clear, and interesting to the viewer once it is online. In order to accomplish this, we will be using some techniques developed from the U of Indiana’s Chapbooks digitisation project, whereby they use pieces of white and black paper to reinforce pages which are being scanned in order to reduce movement and the outblending of text on the other side of these thin pieces of paper. From there, the original copy will be quickly edited on PhotoShop, to make any final crops, and enhance the brightness and contrast of the images. We will be upgrading our access to OMEKA software plug-ins, and we have our eye on one plug in which will allow our website to display entire chapbooks with the graphics of flipping the pages of a book. This will enhance the visual appeal of the project and make it more interesting for the public to read through. 

We also discussed the logistics of how and when we will scan the Chapbooks, deciding to work extensively next week in groups. It took 30 min for the first scan demonstration of the cover of a William Wallace book (pre-Mel Gibson), however there were many specific steps to go through and explain, as well as technology in the room to explain. Melissa stated that it might take some time the first few pages we begin to scan, but it will pick up as we build a process. What is most interesting about this historical project, is that we ourselves are making Guelph Library history by being the first class to undertake such a scanning project, and develop a strategy on how to efficiently scan the Chapbooks!! So if we have questions, run into troubles, or take some extra time, that is to be expected and absolutely alright! 

Already I have learnt a lot! I am scanning my first two chapbooks this afternoon in approximately 1,5 Hours. I am so excited and I will let you know how it goes! Maybe I might snap an iPhone photo or two, and then Instagram that joint!!! 


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